Thursday, July 12, 2007


Before I write about Lay Betting, let me ask you a few questions. Do you regularly earn loads of money gambling on racehorses ? Do you find it easy to pick the winner of a 12 horse race ? Or, are you like us ordinary mortals, who couldn’t predict the winner of a one horse race ? If you are the latter, what can you do about it ?....Well what you can do is this … (1) Pack up gambling, and let your wife take over the household betting. She’s probably better than you anyway……… OR (2) Have a look at the “ WIN with LOSERS “ horse betting technique that is really catching on, and could perhaps bring you in a few bob. Winning with losers seems a novel idea, and I have been looking into it. The result is this brief write up about horse racing laying, which I hope will be helpful to you, and start you along the path to loads of money. There was great excitement in the horse racing world when BETFAIR first appeared on the scene, just a few short years ago, and announced LAY BETTING for Gamblers ONLINE. Thus ended many years of frustration for millions of Punters, who up until then could only back a horse to win, while the Bookmaker could Lay Bet all of the horses in a race, plus control the prices. It didn’t seem fair, did it ? Suddenly it all changed. Now any Gambler with access to the INTERNET, could bet a horse would win OR lose a race, and even try his hand at offering prices. More on Lay Beting at All he had to do was go onto Betfair’s Web Site to register, and deposit enough money into his Betfair account to cover any gambling risk he was taking, and he was in business. It all sounded great, and within a very short time along came Lay Betting tips, Lay Bet System Sellers, and Lay Bet Manual Writers, to give Lay Betting its seal of approval. So now we had a new limb added to the gambling body. But is it safe ? In my opinion, laying bets on horse racing is as safe a form of sports gambling as I have seen, provided that it is conducted in a business like manner. As with any proper business, you have to calculate the cost of any risks you want to take. So a little bit of simple arithmetic comes into it. You also have to select suitable horses to Lay Bet. There is a bit of detective work involved, such as discovering what the horse likes, or dislikes, plus its various capabilities, and the weather conditions, all of which will effect the animal’s performance on the day. Timewise, it depends on what you want out of Lay Betting. You can just select one or two horses the evening before a race meeting, and put your bets on before going to work in the morning. Or you can get serious and spend several hours a day selecting your bets, following the racing on your computer or television, and betting with the benefit of having the latest prices and information. If you do this, apart from getting some really good Lay bet results, you may have time to play one or two other systems at the same time. For example, If you have been made redundant, and have a few pound to spare that is looking for an investment, then with care, you may be able to make good use of your spare time and money, and build a second income. How much can you win by Lay Betting horses ? Well, how much do you want to win ? Is it enough to do the occasional bet to earn the cash to finance an evening out at a restaurant ? Or do you want to build a betting bank into a substantial sum of money ? This is mathematically quite possible. You just need a way of betting in which you are mostly right most of the time., and Lay betting may be the solution. There are quite a few people in the horse gambling business who claim to win thousands of pounds a month by Lay Betting horses alone, even to the money becoming a full time income. Let me give you a tip before you go. If you can develop the knack of finding the hidden weaknesses in certain horses, that makes them a bit risky to bet on as winners, you will have lots of good LAY BETS. Then as you build up the percentage of times that you are right, you can reach a situation whereby mathematically you cannot lose. Keep an eye open for my next articles, which explain how. Happy gambling

This article has been written by The SystemSeeker.

The SystemSeeker has spent years researching, studying and testing sporting systems, mainly for horses, greyhounds and roulette.

To get his Brand New FREE Ebook on Lay Betting go to

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