Thursday, October 4, 2007

Treats That Pooch CANNOT Eat!

Anyone who has ever owned a dog will know that they are not particularly fussy eaters, to put it mildly! Anything and everything that can be consumed will pass through pooch’s digestive system at some point, and by no means will all of it be food as we know it! Your dog also has a very well developed sense of smell, so that what he or she considers to be “foodstuffs” (yesterdays chicken bones in the kitchen trash can, for example), stuff that you may believe is hidden (i.e. out of sight) is as evident to your dog as the nose his face. Rest assured that your dog will find anything that can be eaten, wherever it is! Ninety-nine percent of the time, this will not be a major problem. An inconvenience maybe when tonight’s dinner that was cooling in the kitchen mir View the rest of this article

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