Monday, August 13, 2007

6 Acne Prevention Tips You Must Know Now

The first step in fighting acne is prevention. With no acne, you don’t have to spend time and money to treat it. Here are 5 tips to start implementing today: TIP 1: Find a regimen and stick with it - Pick your medication and treatment method and do not deviate from it unless you achieve measurable results or find that the condition is worsening. TIP 2: Don’t use alcohol - Do not use products, like toners, if they contain heavy concentrations of isopropyl alcohol. This can do more damage than good. TIP 3: Don’t over-wash - With the myth of dirt being a cause of blemishes or acne, cut down the times you wash. Two should be the limit each day. Anymore, and you risk increasing the breakouts you have. TIP 4: Choose skin products carefully - Don’t get harsh or abra View the rest of this article

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