Saturday, August 11, 2007

Tips for Choosing a Comfortable Chair

One of the perks of starting a home based business is that you get to design a home office. One room of your home should be dedicated to all of your work. Since you will be spending a lot of time in this room, the most important accessory is a good chair.
When working at a desk where you will be sitting for long periods of time, the first consideration is ergonomics. The science of ergonomics deals with stresses on the body in the workplace setting. To maintain a healthy body, safe postures must be observed to avoid unnecessary strain on muscle groups and joints which could lead to injury. The last thing anyone wants is for their new business to do them in. Companies have developed ergonomically correct office equipment and accessories to help you to protect your View the rest of this article

1 comment:

me said...

The chair is so important as is the height of the desk, etc. I'm dying for an office chair that reclines into a bed so I can sleep at the office. ;-)