Monday, December 31, 2007

How To Prepare For Cold And Flu Season With A Strong Immune System

Ah-choo! Oh, that awful achy feeling when every muscle and bone in your body just hurts. You can?t sleep, you have no appetite and you certainly can?t afford to be under the weather for even just a few days. Cold and flu season will be upon us again and there is no better time to protect yourself than right now with a strong immune system.
What is the immune system? Very simply, our immune system is like a shield that protects our body from the germs, bacteria and viruses that can cause illness. The weaker the immune system, the more vulnerable we are to getting sick. The stronger the immune system, the more we protect ourselves from getting sick. This isn?t to say that we won?t ever catch a cold, but with a strong immune system, we will also be better able to fi View the rest of this article

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