Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The World of Classical Music versus the World of the iPod

Have you ever had the feeling that the world Beethoven was 'talking' about in his music just doesn't exist anymore? Have you ever watched a movie that used Schubert as a soundtrack and entertained the thought that Schubert didn't even know what a soundtrack is? If you have, you will be able to relate to the tension and incongruity between modernity and classical music that columnist Ivan Hewett describes in a recent article for the Telegraph.
Nor can it [classical music] be plucked from cyberspace, because it doesn't come from there. It comes from a real space. OK, I know my recording of a Bach cantata was made in a studio, but the fact that we can hear 30 people all doing something together immediately evokes the real, social space the music originally took place View the rest of this article

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